Custom breadcrumb
Regarding your question, please follow this instruction, you are able to custom a breadcrumb by using Custom liquid
1. Within a product page in Customize panel, click Add section then select Custom liquid:
2. Drag the Custom liquid to the very first place, make it the first section:
3. Click on the Custom liquid, in its text field, paste the code below:
<div class="page-width"><h3 class="title"><a class="link link--underline" href="{{ routes.root_url }}">Home</a> / <a class="link link--underline" href="{{ product.collections[0].url }}">{{ product.collections[0].title }}</a> / {{ product.title }}</h3></div>
You may want to change the paddings to zero to reduce the spacing.
4. A simple breadcrumb should be displayed by now:
I hope this helps